Ministry of Agriculture General Administration of Agrarian Culture

Responsible Director : Eng. Hassan Ahmed

The General Administration of Agricultural Culture aims at (spreading agricultural awareness and new in agricultural techniques in its various fields) among the public who are interested in these fields and who cannot be reached by the Central Administration for Agricultural Extension through its mentors and free publications, and they are (university students and agricultural schools - investors - owners of small and medium enterprises - Researchers - women - the elderly etc. .......). Agricultural culture plays this role through:
• Issuing the monthly agricultural newspaper magazine and the quarterly magazine of the world of agricultural thought, which contains many articles, talks, reportages, and fixed chapters, including all new in the fields of agriculture, in addition to specialized bulletins, each of which deals with a topic of interest to a wide sector of the target audience, and these publications are sold at cost.
• Media coverage of all agricultural seminars and conferences held in agricultural research institutes and forums in various governorates is also carried out, and participation in them with display and sale units for the administration's publications and the use of its working papers and recommendations for publication in the agricultural newspaper

Contact Details

: Shooting club st, TahseenElarady building, 9 thfloor- Dokki.

: 01001071916

: 33372896


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